We recently opened a new lab at the Buck Institute for research in aging to develop focussed research to improve brain health span and design therapeutics to delay normal aging. Our primary focus is proteostasis control and how it relates to adaptive processes to ER stress. Our lab is currently funded by the Department of Defense and internal funds from the Buck Institute. Drug discovery and gene therapy to delay aging and reduce the risk to develop neurodegeneration are key areas of development. We also assess how exposome (psychological stress, nutrition, etc) crosstalk with proteostasis in the control of normal aging.

Philippe Pihan phD.

Guillermo Diaz
Research assistants
NAME: US Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC) and the US Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA).
TITLE: Improving proteostasis in ALS/FTD by targeting ATF6. ID: AL2201415
ROLE: Principal investigator. 2023-2025.
More information: buckinstitute.org